Sunday, August 9, 2020

All Things Just Keep Getting Better

If you haven't visited the garden yet this season, you may have missed some wonderful upgrades we've enjoyed over the past year or so.  Like the seasons and like nature itself, the garden keeps changing, growing, evolving.

 Take this photo from garden treasurer Tom Gibson.  Tom liked how the snow turned our garden beds into rows of cozy-looking beds of a different sort.  It may feel like it's been years since we saw a smooth blanket of snow, but in truth, it's only been a matter of months--see how far we've come.  

 Now you can barely see our sign peeking out from behind a curtain of flourishing growth.

 Last year we were able to add a fence around our perimeter to keep the garden beds safe from the ever-present herbivores.  We know they have to eat, but we'd prefer it if they left our lettuces and things alone!  This helps a great deal.

 We're pleased that the Cooperative Extension of Yates County is back, as usual, with an array of garden-based learning.  Stop by to take a look at the varieties being grown and the processes used to nurture them.

 Here's our latest addition, and one of which we're especially proud - a cooling shed!  Now you can get some relief from the heat on those long, sometimes brutal days of prepping and tending your beds.  It's important to pay attention to the messages our bodies are sending and know when to take a break.  That weeding can wait a few minutes while you cool down.

Here's a last image shared by Tom, of another Yates County resident enjoying one of our additions.  We hope you'll come join this regal company at the Community Garden soon.

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